Imaging Technology

Through our departmental collaboration with Canon, we are able to implement some of the most advanced imaging technologies:

CT (13 total)

There are 3 CT scanners in each of the three hospital towers, 2 in an outpatient facility, and 1 in each of 2 satellite Emergency Rooms. Our Canon Aquilion ONE 320-slice dynamic volume CTs are used for CTA perfusion and advanced cardiac CT applications. Dual-Energy CT is available on multiple units with new applications being developed through our collaboration with Canon.

MRI (10 total)

There are four 3 Tesla (including an intra-operative unit) and three 1.5 Tesla MRI scanners in our hospital towers and one 3 Tesla and two 1.5 Tesla MRI scanners in outpatient facilities. Quantitative imaging is performed for cardiac and hepatic imaging. We also perform functional MRI for neuroimaging and fetal MRI prenatally. Currently, UF has two Canon 3T Titan, three Siemens 1.5T Avanto, a Siemens 3T Verio, a Siemens 3T Skyra, a Siemens 1.5T Aera, a Siemens 3T Prisma, and a GE 1.5 T Signa HDxt. MR Elastography will be coming to UF soon.

Nuclear Medicine

One outpatient PET/CT doing FDG, Dodatate, and Axumin PET.  UF also performs nuclear medicine imaging with SPECT/CT and planar gamma cameras, including mobile units for imaging inpatients on the floor.


Ultrasound is performed in the inpatient and outpatient settings, including 3 hospital towers, 2 satellite ERs, and 2 outpatient facilities. Ultrasound elastography is performed at the hospital.


Six units in 5 locations that residents will use during multiple rotations.

Our PACS is from Visage Imaging, which is a server-side platform enabling fast image rendering whether in the reading room, at home, or around the hospital. A mobile app is also available. UF has developed mature hanging protocol for many imaging applications to increase efficiency and accuracy. Residents can also use Canon’s Vitra system for advanced processing and visualization applications. Philips DynaCAD is used for breast and prostate MRI.

While rotating at the VA, residents will read studies from 3 PET/CTs using FDG and Axumin, as well as cardiac PET/CT using Rubidium; multiple 1.5 and 3 Tesla MRI units including a high-resolution extremity scanner and MR applications including elastography and whole body DWI; in addition to CT and US from numerous regional VA facilities. National and international research collaboration opportunities are available through our partnership with the VA, including cardiac, prostate, and artificial intelligence applications. At the VA, Philiips iSite PACS is used with advanced modules for cardiac imaging, virtual colonography, and many other applications.

PowerScribe 360 is used for dictation at UF and the VA.