All Posts by

Rachel Esser

New Chief Residents for 2023-2024

We are pleased to announce that Drs. Dominic De Marco and Natalie Rich have been selected to serve as Chief Residents for 2023-2024. Special thanks to our outgoing chief residents, Drs. Anne Lopez and Andrew McCurry for their hard work and dedication the last year.

Dr. Mao presenting at ASNR

Congratulations to first-year Diagnostic Radiology resident, Dr. Allen Mao, for being accepted to present at the 2023 American Society of Neuroradiology annual meeting. Dr. Mao’s poster, Torcular Pseudomass in Neonates and Infants: A Diagnostic Challenge, is based on research completed with Dr. Ibrahim Tuna, Dr. Tara Massini, and Dr.

Match Day 2023

We are excited to announce our incoming Diagnostic Radiology class starting in 2024! We are honored to have matched with such a diverse and bright group of young men and women. Top Row (L to R): Rishabh Agrawal (Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University) Amara Ahmed (Florida State University…

Recommended online research courses

Are you looking to brush up on your research and scientific writing skills? If so, there are two free, self-paced online courses available on Coursera that can help: Understanding Research MethodsHow to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper…